Please use the following form to contact Tokuno Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
One of our representatives will contact you afterwards.
If you do not receive a reply within a week, or if it is an urgent matter please contact us by telephone on 0761-57-0168.

* indicates a required field.
Name *
Example : John Smith
E-mail Address *
Telephone Number
Please enter a telephone number at which you are easily contactable, either home phone or cell phone
Example : Nishi 2-1 Ao-machi,Nomi-shi,Ishikawa,923-1101 Japan

Privacy Policy
Collection, Use and Provision of Personal Information
We handle all collection, use and provision of personal information in an appropriate manner observing the prescribed regulations, while establishing a management system to protect personal information covering all aspects of our business activities.
We will only use personal information within the scope necessary for business.
We will collect personal information within the scope necessary for collection.
We will not disclose or provide third parties, other than subcontractors or business partners, with your personal information without your prior consent, unless the circumstances are exceptional.

Disclosure of Personal Information
We reserve the right to disclose your personal information without prior consent in the following cases.
1. When requested through a subpoena, warrant or order, etc. from police, a court of law or other government agencies.
2. When deemed necessary to protect a person's life, well-being or property, and where difficulty is had in receiving prior consent.

Appropriate Management of Personal Information
We will endeavor to maintain personal information accurate and up to date, and will take measures to prevent any unauthorized access to, loss, subversion, alteration, or leakage, etc. of personal information.
With appropriate management of customer's personal information we are taking the utmost care to prevent any leakage, loss, or deterioration of it.

Regarding the Sharing of Personal Information
Personal information collected through this website will not be disclosed, provided, or sold to, or shared with third parties without the customer's prior consent.

Management System and Legal Compliance
In handling personal information we will continue to implement staff education and enlightenment while observing applicable laws, regulations and in-house rules regarding the protection of personal information.
Trying to improve this privacy policy, we will revise the details of it on an ongoing basis.

Questions or Suggestions
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us using the details listed below.

Nishi 2-1 Ao-machi, Nomi-shi, Ishikawa, 923-1101 Japan
TEL : 0761-57-0168 (domestic) / +81-761-57-0168 (from overseas)
FAX : 0761-58-5726 (domestic) / +81-761-58-5726 (from overseas)
Tokuno Manufacturing Co., Ltd.